According to a New Zealand interim national health plan, digital tools allow the health system to provide more care in the local community and at home. As part of the Te Pae Tata New Zealand Health Plan 2022, Health New Zealand and Te Aka Whai Ora have collaborated on a number of tasks aimed at building a “unified, affordable and sustainable” health system.
As part of the transition to a single health system, digital technologies must be integrated into the health service delivery system. The priority actions in the interim Te Pae Tata will focus on provision of more care in homes and communities by using digital services. It is the government’s goal to “grow the opportunities” for New Zealanders to access and use health information, make appointments, receive telephone and video consultations, and monitor their health from home using digital tools. Digitally enabled clinical equipment and patient portals are among the tools available to monitor patients remotely.
“Access to health information, self and remote monitoring empowers people, whānau and communities to better manage their own health and wellbeing,” the plan explains. In addition, the plan emphasizes the importance of digital tools for supporting the health workforce. “Well-designed information systems can reduce the [administrative] burden for our staff, making the right information available at the right time and place, and capturing information updates easily,” the text says.