In the interview to La Opinion, Dr Dorian Rallón, famous Colombian medical technology expert, has assured the necessary to promote digital health tools much more than now. In his opinion, currently we are taking only a first step. He looking ahead to what is to come in 2023 and the next ten years.
“Currently there are already cloud computing systems, artificial intelligence, 5G, medical software that allows data to be stored or digital tools that will optimize the purchase and use of medicines, without forgetting the IoT (Internet of Things) that allow hospitals and health systems address current and future challenges. However, the future is just beginning, and tools such as smartwatches (intelligent watches), wearable medical devices, 3D printing and Augmented Reality are beginning to chart the path for the coming years to improve health, apply new operations and prevent patient care”, says Dr Rallón.
Read full text here, link in Spanish.