Forbes names top 10 innovations in 2023 mental health
To come up with a serious overview of the ten innovations in mental health expected in 2023, the French Forbes interviewed seventeen leading experts in digital solutions…
To come up with a serious overview of the ten innovations in mental health expected in 2023, the French Forbes interviewed seventeen leading experts in digital solutions…
Arab mental health stigma is being addressed through a newly launched digital platform. Houna offers information, resources, and support groups in Arabic to help tackle taboos surrounding…
Spain and the United States will launch a working group to share experiences and continue working together on health digitization and mental health. The agreement was reached…
The recently celebrated Mental Health Day was created by the World Health Organization (WHO) and by the World Federation for Mental Health in 2013. Since then, every October 10, it seeks…
Professor Paul Hopkinson, head of Edinburgh Business School, and the School of Social Sciences at Heriot-Watt University, writes in a column to "There is no question that…
People with mental health conditions face a number of challenges when it comes to mental health reform in the WHO European Region due to entrenched stigmas and…
The European Commission develops a new Mental Health Strategy (link in Spanish) focused on promoting prevention and treatment of psychological disorders in the Member States. Sources close…
Many U.S. adults aren’t able to find help because of a shortage of therapists. Nearly 40% are struggling with mental health or substance abuse issues. Millions of…
Spread of personal health navigation systems, general doctors to target emotional support, health coaching, multisensory human computer-interaction, care delivered to portable devices, algorithms, and robotics will allow systemic changes in future healthcare, if we choose this way. We are at the crossroads now