Future Proofing Health: the Personalised Health Index

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CIFS developed a first-of-its-kind Personalised Healthcare Index with FutureProofing Healthcare. The Index is a data-driven tool that measures the readiness of health systems for enabling the right care to be tailored to the right patient. The Personalised Health Index now exists for over 50 countries across the Asia Pacific region, Europe and Latin America.

Why measure personalised health?

Whilst ‘personalised health’ has multiple interpretations, in essence it encompasses the move away from one-size-fits-all approaches to care that places the individual at the centre such that treatment is tailored to their needs, with the vision that this will result in better patient experiences, improved health outcomes and a more efficient healthcare system. If health systems are to aim for personalised health, measuring personalised health is vital for tracking progress, identifying areas for improvement and highlighting best practice, allowing countries to learn from each other and find synergies.

How is the index calculated?

The data comes from accredited publicly available sources and the Index was developed by CIFS in collaboration with an independent panel of global health policy experts. The index draws on 50 building blocks that are grouped into four categories: planning & enablers, health information and IT infrastructure, health services, and health products. For example, health information and IT infrastructure refers to the data, technology and standards necessary to move towards personalised healthcare and the building blocks in this category cover the governance, legal and ethical frameworks for data, as well as the data sources and software needed to collect and connect information needed to personalise health.

Our partners

FutureProofing Healthcare is an initiative aiming “to  to accelerate and support the future evolution of healthcare by tracking and measuring progress towards more sustainable, personalised, integrated, and digital health systems.” CIFS role is to build and udpate the analytical and conceptual framework for the Index, in close cooperation with the independent expert panelists, on behalf of Roche, who convened the panel to create the indices.

Explore the index and read more here.