The 10/90 Gap: Aim to Reverse

During the 1990s the Global Forum for Health Research was set up by the WHO Ad Hoc Committee on Health Research for the purpose of correcting the 10/90 gap. The…

HIAP: Health in All Policies Explained

Health in All Policies (HIAP) is an approach to policymaking that introduces health-related aspects into virtually any public policy. HIAP aims to account for health implications in any public decision…

Humanome: A Human Is A Data Repository

The Humanome is made up of two parts, ‘Human’ and the suffix ‘-ome’. The suffix ‘-ome’ is related to the totality of a subject and here the subject is the…

The benefits of digitalisation in healthcare

With so much talk on problems and issues in digitising healthcare, it is useful look back and get the answer to the main question: why? What benefits do computers bring to our health?

How to address challenges in AI adoption

Governments, regulators, healthcare providers, AI professionals and educational institutions all have a responsibility to address the challenges in the adoption of AI in the healthcare sector

AI: from routine to clinical decision-making

AI will be adopted into healthcare in three distinct phases, first addressing routine tasks before accelerating the shift to home-based care then acting as a clinical decision support